It is impossible to separate the history of Pampa’s oldest Masonic Lodge from the history of the formation of the town of Pampa.
The founders of our town were the founders of our Lodge.
At its start, the site of Glascow/Sutton, designated as a station on the Southern Kansas Railway in the summer of 1887, was once owned by the Francklyn Land and Cattle Company, and later the White Deer Lands Company which was managed by George Tyng. Because of railroad name duplications and confusion, the railroad asked Tyng suggest a new name for the stop. Tyng suggested the name “Pampa” after the Pampas Grass he’d seen growing in Argentina. The Railroad approved. In 1888, the Santa Fe Railroad was constructed through the area where Pampa would be established. A rail station and telegraph office were built.

J. F. Johnson established the first mercantile store and took over the post office in 1902. Pampa soon thrived as a small agricultural and railroad shipping point, populated largely by homesteaders and cowboys.

The plat for the townsite was approved on April 14, 1902, the same day that 152 voters petitioned to organize Gray County. The townsite was laid out by George Tyng. Many of the original street of Pampa were named after the local businessmen who were Pampa Lodge No. 966 charter members.
Here’s a list of a few of them:
Thut Street, Barrett Street, Wynne Street, Lefors Street, Doucette Street, Brown Street, Crawford Street, Buckler Street, and Hobart Street are just a few of the Pampa streets named after City founders who were members of Pampa Lodge No. 966.

On November 16, 1907, a petition for Charter to form a new Lodge was presented to Miami Lodge No. 805. Some of the signatories were George Thut, A. E. Barrett, T.D. Hobart, C.P. Buckler, M.K. Brown, J. S. Wynne, R.E. LeFors, C.S. Barrett, J.T. Crawford, Jr. Others to sign the charter included C. S Mullen, O.E. McCarty, L. H. Greene, J. C. Christol, P.L. Shelton, A. B. McAfee, A. B, Keahey, A.B. McAfee, H.E. Baird, C.E. Harris, and J. T. Crawford, Jr.
A certificate of recommendation was issued on November 16th, 1907, by Miami Lodge and on December 3rd, 1907 George F. Morgan, District Deputy Grand Master of the 98th Masonic District made a personal inspection of the hall in which these brethren would meet. It was on the second story of a new brick building in downtown Pampa -the new First National bank building.
The Charter was issued on December 4th, 1907 and entered into the book on December 6th, On Friday, January 3rd, 1908, the first officers of Pampa Lodge No. 966 were installed by Bro. George F. Morgan, District Deputy Grand Master:
J. T. Crawford, Worshipful Master
C. L. Mullins-Senior Warden
George Thut- Junior Warden
J. T. Crawford, Jr. Treasurer
M.K. Brown -Secretary
C. P. Buckler – Senior Deacon
A. E. Barrett- Junior Deacon
O. E. McCarty-Tiler
By the time Pampa voted to incorporate on February 17, 1912, Pampa Lodge No. 966 was celebrating it’s fourth anniversary and had elected J. T. Crawford Sr. as its first Worshipful Master, J. T. Crawford, Jr. as it’s second, C. P. Buckler as its third and records show J. T. Crawford serving again as the fourth WM.

On January 11th, 1908, on a motion it was decided to accept Taylor’s By-Laws as government for the lodge.
A bill for coal was presented from Tepe Hoover Lumber Co. on April 10th, 1909 and according to records on April 8, 1910, the meeting was called due to bad weather.
On March 29th, 1913 DeLea Vicars, Past Master of 966-from 1916-1917, was raised a Master Mason and on June 24th, at a called meeting was installed as secretary.
On July 1, 1913 the finance committee of C.P. Buckler and DeLea Vicars reported a reduction of the rent from $120 to $100 a year.
November 8th, 1913 a bill was allowed to Henry Thut in the amount of $2.00 for Laundry, gasoline, wood alcohol and floor sweep, and on Saturday January 10th. 1914 the secretary was instructed to draw on the Treasury in the amount of $25.00 to pay Brother C.P. Buckler’s expenses to Grand Lodge in Waco.

In 1916 , it was unanimously voted to rent a new hall for $20.00 per month to take affect upon completion of the new building.
June 10th, 1916, the secretary was instructed to obtain permission to move into the new quarters which is now know as the White Dee Land Museum. The furniture purchasing committee report was accepted on October 7, 1916 and on January 16th, 1917, the secretary was instructed to purchase a sufficient number of cuspidors for the lodge room.
At a stated meeting on Saturday February 23, 1918 Brother C.P. Buckler offered a resolution to have all dues paid for military personnel serving here and abroad. This would be the War to end all Wars, World War 1.
After two moves throughout the next twenty years, our present Lodge location was purchased on June 12th, 1939, and on May 19th, 1949 about 200 Masons gathered in Central Park for a barbecue in celebration of the dedication of the new Masonic Lodge.

Pampa Lodge No. 966 has continued to assist in the building of our community for over 116 years. We are immensely proud of our heritage and continue to grow and support our community through such annual endeavors as our scholarship awards and community builder presentations. From Pampa’s earliest days, through booms and busts, two World Wars and the incredible oil, gas, agriculture, and industrial growth, Pampa Masonic Lodge No. 966 has been an influential force in shaping our town and it’s leaders.
As dedicated Pampa Masons we continue to quietly work amid our town always ready to extend a helping hand where needed or greet a new Brother Mason. For one hundred and sixteen years-The Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God; Masons-making good men better.
If you’d like to be counted among the great men that helped form and shape the Pampa Community, and contributed to it’s success, reach out to us through the contact page or call the Lodge office. We’re always ready to meet like minded men. We’ll be more than happy to share our Journey with you.